So, this is the first comic I’ve drawn using my new (well, second hand, but new to me) Cintiq graphics tablet, which is a screen that you can draw directly onto. Have you noticed a massive improvement in my artwork? Hmm, well may be small one? Okay, so no piece of kit is going to turn me into a cartoonist overnight, but the way I used to digitally draw, using a Bamboo tablet, felt like a constant struggle. As some of you no doubt know, with a Bamboo you have to look at the screen whilst your hand scribbles away at the side and I could never quite get the hang of this. The Cintiq just feels much more natural and I’m looking forward to trying out a few new things with it.

You may also have noticed that I’ve changed the comments. I wanted to have a system where you could be notified of replies to your comments if you so desired, so I’ve installed an IntenseDebate plugin. It does make posting a comment look a bit more daunting, but hopefully it’ll lead to a bit more interaction. Let me know what you think of it.

Don’t forget, you can still enter the pun competition in this cartoon (don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense – it’s based on a phrase not much used outside the U.K.)

And finally, the webcomic you should direct your cursor at this week is The Urban Blah