Just a quick one to let you know a couple of things:
1. I have a guest comic up at The Drunken Fools this week. Please check it out.
2. The blog for #tuesdaysketch has been moved to http://tuesdaysketch.wordpress.com/
Just a quick one to let you know a couple of things:
1. I have a guest comic up at The Drunken Fools this week. Please check it out.
2. The blog for #tuesdaysketch has been moved to http://tuesdaysketch.wordpress.com/
I’ve created a separate blog for all the #tuesdaysketch entries from Twitter, so I won’t be filling up the blog here with further entries. You can see this week’s Cthulhus at http://tuesdaysketch.tumblr.com/
Remember, if you want to join in, just hang around Twitter on Tuesday night, find out what this week’s subject is, and post your efforts to @DJBogtrotter with the hashtag #tuesdaysketch.
This week’s Twitter sketchers were doing dragons and here’s what we came up with:
By DJ Bogtrotter
By Scott Hampson from Agent X
By Andy Brown
A couple of weeks ago I drew a Mummy for a storybook I’m writing for my kids. I posted it to Twitter and @Wudakuda suggested that we start posting sketches on a specific night. So the following week, we decided to draw a zombie with the hashtag #drawazombie and see who wanted to join us. Here’s what we came up with:
by DJ Bogtrotter
By Scott Hampson from Agent X
By Dave Stolte
By Andy Brown
By Paul Westover from Unconcious Ink
It was a lot of fun and I thought it’d be a good idea to do one every week. The following Monday I asked for suggestions on what we should draw and @agent_x came up with giant robots (he actually wanted to do giant unicorn robots, but I didn’t want to be too prescriptive). So on Tuesday, using the hashtag #tuesdaysketch, I called out for more entries and here’s what we got:
By Scott Hampson from Agent X
By Ryan Hudson from ChannelATE
By Tim Lai from Lemoninc
By Matt Edgar
By Dave Stolte
by DJ Bogtrotter
A nice mix of stuff. I recognise that the standard of my own work is well short of what some talented artists are contributing, but that’s what I like about been older (41, if you must know). 10-20 years ago, I would’ve been too wary of sticking my amateurish work in the mix, but now I realise that people just aren’t bothered and are always glad to see anyone make an effort. And, as usual, the people on Twitter were unfailingly polite and supportive. So, it’s going to be a regular thing. Every Tuesday is now #tuesdaysketch day on Twitter. Come join us if you fancy doing a sketch and tweet me on Monday night if you’ve got a suggestion of what we should all draw. I’ll try to blog the results every week. Don’t forget to add #tuesdaysketch to any tweets.
Well, that was quite something.
The official 24 hour comics challenge is to write, draw and ink a 24 page comic in 24 hours completely from scratch – no planning, preparation or even thinking about an idea before the 24 hours start. As I don’t write sequential story comics, I decided to take on the 200 Bad Comics Challenge as previously completed by the likes of Nedroid and KC Green. I also wanted to empty my “potential jokes” file of all the half-formed and “not-quite-good-enough” ideas that are cluttering up my thinking process, so not everything I did on the day was from scratch.
On Sat 3rd October I dragged myself out of bed, having had a terrible night’s sleep (my brain was whirring with potential bad comics and I just could not get it to shut down). I brewed myself a strong coffee and set to work. The first hour was spent grappling with my temperamental Macbook (which hasn’t ever quite recovered from my daughter dropping it on the kitchen floor a few months ago), but it eventually warmed up and I was able to get some kind of rhythm going.
I always suspected that 200 was an ambitious number and shortly after starting, I revised my figure to a more realistic 100. As I was on Twitter for the day, I asked for suggestions for comics, so a fair few ideas also came from people online (and thanks to anyone who sent in a suggestion). The combination of old ideas, online entries, half-formed concepts that I’d scribbled on various scraps of paper in the run-up to the day and actual ideas that I’d come up with on the day meant that I was able to maintain a reasonable flow of comics for the first 12 hours or so.
Some were funny (I hope), some were silly, some pretty much died at birth and some were just plain weird, but they kept coming and my brain kept ticking over. It was a release to sit down and write a comic without forcing myself to make as funny as I possibly could. It freed me up to try silly ideas without it mattering if they worked or not. Indeed, I managed to come up with a few ideas that I thought good enough to set aside for my proper comic and these were ideas that varied from my normal style of writing. They were more random, more unexpected and all the better for it.
However, as the day wore on, I realised that I was going to run out of old ideas around the 60-70 comic mark and I could feel that the standard was slipping. I found that if I stopped drawing to try and think of some more ideas, my lack of sleep really started to kick in and my brain began to shut down. At this point I really thought that I wasn’t going to complete my task. But I was determined to plough on. I was reduced to clicking on my StumbleUpon button in my browser and trying to write a cartoon based on whatever random subjects the internet offered me.
With several of the later cartoons, I would draw something in the first panel without knowing what was going to be in the second. Oh, I’ll draw a ship, then ummm.. a whale appears from nowhere, then….. aaaah, he makes an terrible film suggestion – and it kind of works (to me anyway). To my immense surprise the cartoons started to get better (well, I think they do) and I reached the point that was the whole aim of the day. My brain completely lost its moorings and when I chucked suggestions at it, all sorts of bizarre, unique and (hopefully) funny ideas were returned to me. Ideas that I’d never have come up with by staring at a blank piece of paper for hours on end.
During my last 10 comics, I came up with 2 more strips that were good enough for my proper comic. I scrawled the last few strips, posted them up and slumped in to bed at 4am, 22 hours after I’d started. Okay, so I didn’t managed 24 hrs, but I work fulltime and have 2 young kids, so give me a break, okay?
It was quite the experience and something I’d thoroughly recommend to anyone who thinks that their writing is getting tired, forced and predictable. I was exhausted by the day, but have emerged from it re-energised, full of ideas and excited about the comics that I’ll be bringing to you over the next few weeks…..
Here are the comics in full:
P.S. A special thanks to anyone who offered my encouragement on the day via Twitter. It really made a big difference. And also to my fellow webcomic artists who were also working on the day such as @channelATE from ChannelAte (his 100 bad comics start here – illness prevented him from finishing them, but maybe if we bug him enough, he’ll get round to completing them), @swikan from Life’s A Witch, @chandlerra from Tuned Out Frequencies (who has blogged about it here) and @drunkenfools from The Drunken Fools. And @tr1guy and @vertigo_x who produced an excellent podcast on TGT Webcomics. Not everyone was able to complete what they set out to do, but I really don’t think that that’s the point. It’s about putting yourself in a position where you have to write, no matter what, and making use of the interesting ideas that can come from such a position. My hat is sincerely doffed to everyone who threw themselves into the day. See you again next year (maybe)….
I’ve been at it again with the comic replies. This time it was a cartoon from Luke Surl’s fine array of puns and silliness. His is an extended take on the Good Cop/Bad Cop cliche and I decided to extend it a bit more (as did many of the commenters on the site)
Luke’s Original:
My extension:
I forgot to check Luke’s alt-text before doing my own and repeated his hidden joke in mine. Sorry Luke. My bad.
Wow, a cartoon about Palin resigning. Talk about having your finger on the pulse. Alright, several weeks after everyone else, I’ve weighed in with my little jibe about it. I thought of this joke ages ago, but too late for it to be topical, so I didn’t bother with it. But someone like Palin was never going to stay out of the limelight for long, so I thought I’d resurrect it, but not without procrastinating so long that I managed to avoid topicality for a second time. I guess I just wanted to try a bit of caricature. It’s a bit basic, but we’ve all got to start somewhere.
So, now that I’ve solved politics with the rapier edge of my satire, I thought I might fix racism next week. I might not. I’ll just have to see what kind of mood I’m in.
Recently one of my favorite webcomics CocknBull continued its fine tradition of puerile crudity by posting this cartoon:
I decided to be cheeky and drew a comic reply which I posted in the comments section. I thought I’d share it with you all:
A combination of illness and an erratic computer means that I’ve missed my deadline for the first time. I’ll try to get something up over the weekend.
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